Have also been finding a lot of good information on the National Library of Australia's Australian Newspaper site. http://newspapers.nla.gov.au/ndp/del/home They are constantly adding to it and they plan to do some of the major regional newspapers in the next few years. I find the Argus a valuable research tool for finding information on ancestors that were in Victoria. I was able to find the missing girl who is the flower girl in my grandparents Arthur and Jessie Flint's wedding. Her name is Yvonne Lang and she became a nurse. She was the daughter of William Baker Lang and Nora Kennedy from the Bass, Gippsland area. Also found more information on her in the Electoral rolls on Ancestry.

Arthur Stothers Flint Born 1901 Died 1977
Jessie Catherine McCaffrey Born 1902 Died 1980
Married 1924 St Patrick's East Melbourne
Flowergirl Yvonne Lang daughter of William Baker Lang and Edith Nora Kennedy
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